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Query: milestone:3.0
Command: milestone:id#88038
October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Created by Jeremy Kemper
Completed on October 15th, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Displaying tickets 101 - 200 of 682 in total
- #2946 quoted_date converts time objects to default_timezone
Why does rack have to be installed as a gem? -
Adding Array.uniq_by(proc) to core_ext, allowing selection of unique elements based on their response to a proc -
Advanced / foxy fixture features doesn't work well with models in modules -
to_xml generated <foo type="binary"> tags not accepted by from_xml -
Warn when parameters to functional test requests have improper values -
After Transaction Patch -
[PATCH] visibility of fixture accssor methods -
Rails generators does not take into consideration ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.table_name -
expose railties' GeneratorTestCase so generators outside of rails can benefit -
no logging in production mode? -
preparation callbacks are gone -
dom_id is unavailable in controllers -
Change scaffolding to use respond_with -
[PATCH] Which are they `migration version'? or `migration number'? -
Add :dependent => :restricted to has_one and has_many -
Rack::Test -
ActiveSupport::JSON.encode is Inconsistent for #as_json and #to_json -
Regression in 3.0pre With content_for And Layouts -
Default generator for ActiveModel - #3132 simple "rack test" fails
Change ActiveRecord callbacks to use faster implementation and speed up Observers -
ActionView::Base.for_controller splits warnings in development mode -
ActionController::Benchmarking is MIA -
Template is missing error could be more helpful - #3149 Active Record Helper form(record_name, options={}) fails (but simple fix)
Add support for PostgreSQL citext column type -
Fixtures data should be reset between tests -
Mass Assignment Security Refactoring -
Rescuable runs action filters -
transactions don't fail in 3.0 -
Don't share attribute method matchers between classes -
default_scope is having a side affecct on create -
Fix for ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#attribute_methods_generated? -
PostgreSQL escape methods aren't thread-safe (in Ruby 1.8) -
Finish bumping rack-test -
Fully merge NewCallbacks - #3254 Merge Dispatcher and Middleware in Application object
[PATCH] local_request? does not detect local IPv6 connections -
ActionView::TestCase needs to be ported to master. -
[PATCH] rake dev not working on master -
Add a default .gitignore for Rails - #3300 ActiveSupport::HTML
Consider changing Orchestra name -
Wrap up ConcurrentHash -
Kill SafelyMemoizable -
DelayedLog is severely broken -
[PATCH] Clean up "omg" comments -
Prune merged or dead branches -
Fix pending "file stream" pending test -
File Organization: Rename "metal/" folder -
Expose "run_foo_callbacks" callbacks api -
Upgrade path for railties prefix change -
Warnings on redefining constants in master - #3348 Refactoring of attributes/typecasting behavior
[PATCH] re-enable send_file(path, :stream => true) -
text_field() does not use overridden model accessors -
ARel 1.9.2 compatibility -
Decimal attributes no longer work on Rails 3.0 edge -
ActiveRecord splits log records across multiple lines -
3.0: Log entries are encoded in base64 (AWDwR3, section 8.4) -
rake routes is broken (AWDwR3, section 21) -
Last Request no longer respected (AWDwR3, section 21.2) -
3.0 breaks mislav-will_paginate (AWDwR3, section 23.3) -
Server restart required after generate controller -
script/generate generates relative to Dir.pwd and not the application root -
[PATCH]content_for and fragment caching -
[PATCH] Generate functional tests for controller actions -
rake routes is missing method name -
Can't start server with Rails 1.9.2 -
Make ActionMailer delivery_method plugin-able -
--database option broken -
"yield" doesn't work with content_for_layout and render :file -
Cannot require ActionDispatch SelectorAssertions -
ActionView#assigns lost its usefulness -
[PATCH] Rails 3.0: each_with_index fails -
Link_to doesn't escape its input -
Content Negotiation Regression -
Remove railties/.../scaffold_generator.rb: template "layout.html.erb" -
Names for nested resources changed (AWDwR3, section 21) -
[PATCH] Generate fixture data for empty models -
CI is broken -
Rack-mount boot time is slow as shit -
Allow autoloads to opt out of eager loading -
Investigate warnings -
Intermittent reloading issue: model -
ActionPack is being required relative to ActionMailer -
Reloading routes broken (AWDwR3, section 11.1) -
Regression: unable to create a rails project -
Array Extension Standalone -
[PATCH] define_schema for Active Resource -
"root" doesn't work as advertised in new routing DSL -
integration_test#post returns 422 response -
Unable to create a rails application using system gems -
[PATCH] Application object should instantiate non-vendored plugins -
[PATCH] Make plugins responsible for loading their own rake tasks -
Rails.configuration is broken -
Different nested validations should not be ignored -
Let label helpers accept blocks -
HTML5 form field helpers (email_field_tag, etc.)
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