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Query: milestone:3.0
Command: milestone:id#88038
October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Created by Jeremy Kemper
Completed on October 15th, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Displaying tickets 401 - 500 of 682 in total
Missing requires in ActiveModel Dirty -
[PATCH] add ruby-debug19 to Gemfile -
Route globbing broken in Rails 3 ? -
[PATCH] Remove quote_fields from ActionMailer -
dom_id returns incorrect value for destroyed records -
syntax error in documentation.rake -
[PATCH] test_utc_offset_for_kamchatka failing -
[PATCH] avoid method redefined; discarding old empty? warning -
[PATCH] Restore changed_attributes method in ActiveModel::Dirty -
I18n labels don't appear in error_messages_for -
Singular option unavailable in the new Routes -
No way to set a global path_name in Routes -
[PATCH] The About your application's environment index page has a little style issue -
Raise exceptions instead of rendering exceptions templates in test environment -
Real scope support for ActiveRecord's uniqueness validation -
URL Generation for routes that point to a Rack application include the controller and action parameters -
Missing support for actions on a new resource in new routing DSL -
kill warnings with regular expression assertions -
Turn on warnings in AR tests -
to_param and <resource>_path() escapes forward slashes -
Ruby1.9: submitted string form parameters with non-ASCII characters cause encoding errors - #4337 Tweaks to make ActiveRecord Fiber-friendly
Failing test with Postgresql 8.4.3 and pg 0.9.0 -
Threre is no way to test routing with constraints -
Namespace root route not really namespaced -
Call it beta3 -
defaults for eager_load_paths and load_once_paths overwrite each other (typo?) -
fields_for not working outside ERB -
Flash convenience methods "notice" and "alert" should also be available for FlashNow -
uninitialized constant Arel after reload! -
Inflector#transliterate fails on many European characters -
[PATCH] config.action_controller.perform_caching has no effect -
[PATCH] assert_recognizes should work in Integration Tests -
url_for doesn't like HashWithIndifferentAccess -
[PATCH] ActionController::TestCase requires Hash#to_query -
numericality validation gives misleading error message when only_integer is used -
PATCH for allowing pluralize to take a block -
rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE -
Rails 3 beta3: mail_to displays incorrectly i.e. mail_to not returning html_safe string -
[PATCH] Add shorthand support for routes like /projects/status(.:format) -
Strange behaviour in exception display -
Add a config.i18n.fallback setting and enable fallbacks in environment/production.rb -
Templates that use with_options... -
datetime_select and select_datetime inconsistent for various options -
Inappropriate route -
Arel is not building the correct expression for not(nil) as "IS NOT NULL" -
Making ActiveSupport::Cache consistent -
[BUG] [PATCH] Rails 3.0 should allow tests to run in 'cucumber' environment -
Validates_acceptance_of is not respecting database field -
JoinAssociation#aliased_table_name_for bug affecting AR find_with_associations? -
Instrument ActionController rendering begin and end time -
Action caching (blocker): undefined local variable or method `cache' -
Rake Tasks completely screwed up -
Rails 3.0 encoding fixes for unit tests -
Lazy Loading broken since Beta3? -
Impossibility to mount a Sinatra app -
:as option not working as expected in new Rails 3 router DSL -
rake middleware not working in rails3 beta 3 -
ActiveRecord middleware should be inserted before ActionDispatch::Cascade ? -
Broken tests in master -
respond_with accepting options to pass on to to_xml and to_json -
assert_template :symbol always passes, even when it should fail -
Order notifications from most to least significant (ala jQuery event namespaces) -
Ensure notifications are sent even in the case of an error -
to_xml with :include should skip_instruct on the included records -
STI ignored with scopes -
[PATCH] Check and immediately return value from an average if it's already a BigDecimal -
assert_select doesn't work with utf-8 on Ruby 1.9.2 -
Fix AR tests for pg on master - #4521 HABTM: ability to link and unlink records with :autosave => true
expose FixtureResolver so Rails users can use it -
add NullResolver for testing -
ActiveResource does not serialize XML correctly - #4554 render :text => proc { ... } regression
active_support/core_ext/array/random_access.rb conflicts with standard Ruby library -
When using conditional layouts, actions fallback to parent layout -
sending :alt => nil to an image tag should omit the images alt tag -
Reflection do not reset quoted_table name when set_table_name is invoked -
A simple way to copy the default generator templates is needed -
Erubis template parsing error on invalid match for variable name containing "do" -
`load_missing_constant': ActiveRecord is not missing constant Timestamp! (ArgumentError) -
Multiple encoding support for Erubis -
Merge default scopes by default -
Give textilize() a better, but still html safe experience - #4594 Add methods for including start events with notified actions
String.mb_chars.upcase doesn't upcase non-ASCII chars on with Ruby 1.9.x -
Queries using limits and punctuation in order clauses generate invalid SQL - #4598 default_scope treats hashes and relations inconsistently when overwriting
Make 's' reserved word in 'rails ...' command -
number_to_currency fails with "NoMethodError: undefined method `>=' for nil:NilClass" -
Two errors in the railties test suite in rails master on ruby 1.9.2-head -
Added missing require, we are using here the bind method defined on active_support/core_ext/proc -
Test suite is using assert many times when should be used assert_equal -
Thousands of errors on AR with ruby-sqlite3 and ruby 1.9.2 -
Cloned object mimic changed_attributes from creator after being clonde -
Take out stale tasks from actionpack -
Valid number pretending to be a invalid number in ActiveModel tests -
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute: tests, cleanups and a bugfix -
transaction_callbacks_test.rb is not testing properly -
Unsaved changes to nested attribute collections are lost when using collection
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