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Query: milestone:3.0
Command: milestone:id#88038
October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Created by Jeremy Kemper
Completed on October 15th, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Displaying tickets 501 - 600 of 682 in total
[BUG] [PATCH] ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars concatenation with #+ (plus) method should not alter the original -
should serialize yaml fails in ActiveModel -
before_validation callbacks being run AFTER validation [ActveModel 3.0.0.beta3] -
Problem with prototype UJS and pictures as links - #4665 Suggestion: Change to create Rails 3.0 apps by `rails init app-name`
[Patch] undefined method `to_key' in ActiveResource object -
[PATCH] Fix test which prevents proper connection reset on fail -
app.my_path_url is protected - #4699 before_validation_on_create and before_validation_on_update doesn't exist
ActionPack, 1.9.2-head 3 failing tests regarding encodings -
Router in Rails 3 pluralizes collection named routes twice -
content_tag isn't rendering blocks correctly -
Use Rack::Utils.bytesize instead of #length when determining request content-length for showing exceptions. -
ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone strftime formatting lacks unpadded types -
Hashes with Time instances in it breaks when to_json is called on it. -
Get rid of Class#extlib_inheritable_reader -
ActiveRecord::Base.compute_type swallows NoMethodError -
Matching routes with :constraints in functional tests -
Skip before filters do not merge when subclassing -
[PATCH]Rails 3 : Namespace problem in Scaffold -
Link_to should escape & in the query string -
[PATCH] Patches for ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter compatibility -
Errors in ActiveSupport testsuite on 1.9.2-head -
render(:inline) in a layout before yield replaces original content - #4781 rjs function tests fail
Errors in ActiveRecord test suite edge - Rails 3.0.0.beta3 missing constantize on associations -
Namespaced form rendering error -
render with a partial in rjs fails -
Cache and content_for helpers erroneously warn about block syntax -
The generator erb:mailer is supposed to be silent -
ActiveRecord.validators broken in 3.0b4 -
Regexp ignore-case option in routes breaks params -
Add magic encoding comment to generated files -
[PATCH] Table name not escaped on dropping index -
Possible bug in ActiveRecord beta4 sqlite3_adapter / sqlite3 -
Setting ActiveRecord::Base.logger is not effective -
Config option to prevent i18n.reload! on each request -
Some text helper methods inappropriately calling "sanitize" -
[PATCH] Create mailers folder when starting a new rails app -
Updates to relationship resources are lost -
Can't create a route with an prefix optional segment that contains both static and dynamic parts -
[PATCH] Migrations with Improper Names Generate Invalid Code -
to_xml doesn't work in such case:'title as t').to_xml -
multiple select only keep the last one -
WEBrick used with "rails s" even though Thin installed and in Gemfile -
avoid warning: method redefined; discarding old <=> -
typo in rdoc in action_mailer/base.rb -
[PATCH] date_select separator should not always be present with discard_day and/or discard_month enabled - #4858 [PATCH] ActionMailer is html escaping plain text messages
Refactor build_arel -
radio_button can generate duplicate id attributes (invalid HTML) -
Rails Generator --singleton -
Slow Development -
A bug in ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper.strip_tags -
Calling mount and resource inside the router makes mount stop working -
OrderedHash#invert returns an unordered hash -
truncate should always return unsafe strings -
Correct output from ActiveModel::Errors to_json -
Record Cloning Not Shallow - #4896 i18n routes can't be recognized
Yajl backend discovery fails in ActiveSupport::JSON -
controller_name is invalid when controller_path changes -
Application generator creates files with trailing whitespace -
"Thor is not available" and `ruby /path/to/rails new myapp --dev` -
Bug with passing an Arel::Relation into an ActiveResource predicate. -
[Patch] ActiveResource::HttpMock overwrites Accept/Content-Type header -
The original TIME ZONE value on PostgreSQL is not correctly restored after going through options :utc and then going back to :local -
Scopes cached in production mode -
Glob parameters in route ignore regexp requirements -
order method should concatenate and reorder should overwrite -
AS::Multibyte::Chars: Don't override methods that work properly in 1.9.2 -
ActiveModel has undeclared dependency on tzinfo -
Resource controller name pluralization regression -
reset_counters doesn't work with polymorphic associations -
Action Pack test suite: "uninitialized constant Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError" -
Rack::Mount blows up if passed invalid constraints -
Column definitions not cached for calculations on has_many association with :include -
Rails3: observer in config/application.rb brokes rake db:migrate -
before and after write callbacks -
default_scope prevents a rake db:migrate if attributes in DB don't exist -
Error on assert_recognizes when used on a route with constraint - #5006 ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x
- #5027 _request_and_response.erb and diagnostics.erb take an increasingly long time to render in development with multiple SHOW TABLES calls
AS::MB::Chars#slice! doesn't operate in-place; guide docs are out of date -
Allow -P option to pass named PID file to rails server -
Memory Leak with Ruby 1.9.2 Rails 3.0 Beta 4 -
router scope does not behave as documented -
Tests to specify the behaviour of ActiveRecord::Migrator.get_all_versions() -
observer bug -
File Field shouldn't include a size attribute -
Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 -
Routing bug when using :constraints -
dependencies marks regular constants as autoloaded -
Id and parameter in path is not properly escaped for ActiveResource -
ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy objects wrap nil and false -
link_to_function and fields_for inside block - empty array in with_output_buffer error -
ActiveRecord::Relation#merge merges other table's conditions having same attribute name -
rake rails:update replaces application name -
New router DSL doesn't propagate requirements to nested resources -
Missing RC tag
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