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Query: milestone:3.0
Command: milestone:id#88038
October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Created by Jeremy Kemper
Completed on October 15th, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Displaying tickets 301 - 400 of 682 in total
path_prefix doesn't work -
Make ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank and #add_on_empty accept an options hash and make various Validators pass their options -
Rails 3 ActionMailer NameError: uninitialized constant AbstractController::Collector::Mime -
auto_link output should be marked .html_safe! -
require dependency for active_support/core_ext/string/inflections -
button_to should be html_safe! -
Wrong redirect after creation of nested singleton resource (using responder) -
backtrace_cleaner can't remove filters -
respond_to js with render :layout => false segfault -
UJS silently fails when csrf_meta_tag is not present -
Controllers unable to use inheritable_attribute -
respond_with fails silently on missing mimetype -
Rails 3 forces singleton resource names to be a singular word -
UJS fail to render partial - #4091 ActiveRecord::SessionStore allows blank session_id
ActiveSupport needs ActiveRecord -
config.threadsafe! appears to be broken. -
Limit failing on Arel Rails 3.0Beta -
commit 6f4c451 malfunctions with rvm's gemset -
Remove fixtures from tests when --skip-activerecord is used -
whiny_nil causes crash on Ruby 1.9.1 p378 using RVM -
Rails crashes unless config.action_controller.session is set -
[Patch] Fix tiny typos -
ActionController::Request#content_charset always fails -
Update rdoc for ActionController::Base.asset_host example -
Cleanup script_name routing API -
[PATCH] The default rake task should be set in Rakefile not misc.rake - #4113 Rails 3 - Windows Vista x64 - Error "different prefix:" - Two Hard Drives
integration tests fail due to invalid authenticity tokens -
[PATCH] Install Plugin: pass -b/--branch BRANCH for git plugins and -r/--revision REVISION for git/subversion plugins -
deleting repeated code -
drying up more code in associations.rb -
find_each ignores limit -
ActiveRecord range condition with Time objects produces unquoted date strings in SQL -
rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...README -
Associations bug with :dependent => [:delete or :destroy] -
[PATCH] rake db:create creates development db only -
Routing :defaults option is not passed through to params -
browser compatibility changes for prototype-ujs -
[PATCH] Change array entries to safe doesn't worth then the array is joined as a string losing the safe property of his entries -
allow_forgery_protection is false even in development environment by default -
Rails 3 assets caching issues -
Action Caching with caches_action and :layout => false -
arel methods in scope cause issues with non-existent tables -
Output of script/rails g --help is ugly -
link_to generates incorrect hrefs -
strange 'require' behavior in development environment -
Ignoring Gemfile.lock -
ActiveModel::Observer and ActiveRecord... -
link_to doesn't behave when using image_tag and :confirm or :remote -
ActiveModel::Dirty#changes should return a HashWithIndifferentAccess -
url_for failing with singular resource -
Fresh Rails 3 app cannot run performance tests -
ambigitous behaviour of using link_to helper -
[PATCH] We shouldn't test that image_tag("..jpg") -
Deprecated framework rake tasks should exit with non-zero exit code -
databases.rake forcing database and schema with postgres -
Possible memory leak in Rails 3 -
constraints with resources in routes don't catch regex -
uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Integration::Session::Test -
Performance improvements to multibyte utils -
renderization of <%= t(['foo', 'bar']) %> shouldn't be escaped -
form_for in current rails master is broken (really) -
Missing Template errors with rjs -
javascript TypeError with rails3 project (rails.js, line 2) -
[PATCH] scope_key_by_partial fix for Ruby 1.9 when there's virtual_path -
[PATCH] AS output_safety should require AS singleton_class -
passenger error "spec activeresource-3.0.0.beta1 is not from an installed gem" -
undefined method `named_routes' in integration test -
[PATCH] ActiveSupport ts_isolated test not running -
Named routes outside of controller/view confusion -
Add column and index query methods to ActiveRecord::Schema -
[PATCH] AS datetime conversions should require AS time conversions -
Possible bug with uncountable inflections and namedspace routes? -
Wrong parsing paremeters with a semilocon ( ; ) char -
[PATCH] AR migration generator includes model's modules in table name. -
"rails g controller" does not generate any routes -
eager loading of associations not working in rails 3? -
[PATCH] Improvements in number_helper.rb -
Nested child only updates if parent changes. -
[PATCH] link_to :remote => false does not work -
possible format.js error in rails master (actioncontroller issues) returning array and not string - #4249 [rails3 beta] "rails runner" can't be used in shebang lines
[PATCH] Avoid warning: method redefined; discarding old ... -
Generated mailer test fails -
rails runner uninitialized constant Object -
Unit test fails when using non-standard table names -
find railties by name -
[PATCH] Defaults support for the new Router DSL -
[PATCH] Actions on singular resources do not generate route helpers in Rails 3.0 -
Bad reference to TZInfo in Rails 3.0.0 beta master -
Arel 0.3.2 broke non-standard column types -
undefined method `bytesize' for ActionDispatch::Response -
send_file is broken in dev mode -
backtrace silencers are removing more lines than they really should -
Objects lose association methods in development mode -
Preinitializer doesn't preinitialize. -
Rails should parse on 1.9 Ruby :) -
[PATCH] changes on Class and Module -
[PATCH] time_ext_test failing because of time zone
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